Inside Look at Crime in Dallas

Front of Dallas County Courthouse and Nearby Buildings at Night

Dallas, Texas, is a city known for its bustling nightlife, determined football team, and Western aesthetic. However, beneath the cowboy glamour, as with all cities, lies a dark underbelly that leaves even locals wary about traversing our fine city at night. Here, we examine Dallas’s latest crime statistics. Violent Crime Decrease in Dallas Violent crime […]

Bail Out of Jail in Dallas

Stuck in Jail in Dallas

Fast & Easy Dallas County Bail Bond When a person is arrested, their bail bond is set by a judge at a bail hearing.  The amount of bail the judge sets varies based on many factors.  Until bail is set, there is no way to post bail or a Dallas County jail bond to get […]

Key Differences Between Probation and Parole


Understanding the differences between probation and parole is crucial for anyone recently arrested or found to be a family member on the wrong side of the criminal justice system. These two terms often get confused, but understanding the difference can significantly impact one’s legal journey, future obligations, and an overall path toward reintegration into society. […]

Dallas County DWI Arrests Over the Holidays

Significant Drops of DWI During Holiday 2013 in Dallas County

DWIs have always been a major cause for arrest in Dallas. At 1st Call Bail Bonds, we see many people walk through our doors seeking help for friends and family who’ve been arrested after drinking and taking the wheel. Dallas County DWI Arrests Then Back in 2012 when we first reported on DWI arrest statistics […]