Choosing the right bail bond company in Dallas out of numerous results online can feel daunting. What should you look for in a bail bond company? How do you compare bail bond agencies? What are the differences between bail bond agents? Are they all the same? As every arrest situation is unique, not all bail bond agencies in Dallas are the same, and finding the best bail bond company for you will require some research.
Bail Bond Experience
First, we evaluated local bond agencies in Dallas based on their history. A bail bond company that’s been in Dallas often comes with a reliable track record.
AA Best Bail Bonds is the oldest bail bonds company on our radar, founded in 2004. 1st Call Bail Bonds, established in 2013, has also carved out a respectable reputation in its decade of service. Southern Bail Bonds and A-EZ Outs Bail Bonds opened around the same time as Big Bubbas, about a decade ago.
While longevity is a great starting point for picking the right Dallas bondsman, we’d like to examine more details.
Bail Bond Agency’s Reputation
With the highest Google review rating of 5 stars solid, Southern Bail Bonds proves that it’s one of Dallas’ finest establishments for fast bail with excellent customer service that goes above and beyond to help its clients every step of the bail bond process.
Coming in at a close second with 4.9 stars, the 1st Call Bail Bonds Dallas location is known
for providing stellar information to first-time bail applicants and superior customer service that puts anyone who walks through the door at ease. 1st Call is open 24/7 and have readily available staff to get Dallas bail bonds at an excellent price.
Nearest Location
When a family or friend needs to get bailed out of county jail in Dallas, you look for a conveniently located bail bond agency. Even though experience matters, bail bond agencies near Lew Sterrett Justice Center make it easy to expedite the release process.
If close proximity is on your priority list, Southern Bail Bonds is the farthest Dallas bail bond agency from Lew Sterrett Justice Center at 15 minutes away. The other bail bond offices we’ve surveyed are between 1-3 minutes away from the center, with A-EZ Outs Bail Bonds being the closest office.
Working with a licensed bail bond company is the first step in receiving a fair and efficient bail bond experience.
During our investigation, we observed that each bail bond agency we reviewed, including AA Best Bail Bonds, 1st Call Bail Bonds, A-EZ Outs Bail Bonds, and Southern Bail Bonds, clearly showcased their current license details on their websites.
This transparent display of credentials demonstrates commitment to operating within legal requirements and provides potential clients with easy access to important verification information.
Bilingual Service
In Dallas county, nearly half of the residents speak Spanish. As such, it is very important that a bail bond agency can communicate clearly with you during adifficult arrest period to get released from jail.
Not all bail bond companies we investigated in Dallas offer Spanish-speaking services. 1st Call Bail Bonds, AA Bail Bonds, and Southern Bail Bonds in Dallas stand out by offering bilingual bail bond services.
Payment Forms Accepted
Although all of the websites surveyed discussed general information about paying for a surety bond and the small percentage fee associated with it, none of them specified whether they only accept cash, cards, money orders, or collateral.
At 1st Call Bail Bonds, we accept most forms of payment and try to avoid collateral deals like property being put up as payment. If a person can’t appear in court and bail is forfeited, this only increases the stress for a defendant.
Flexible Payment Plans
One of the most common questions we get at 1st Call Bail Bonds is “Do you offer payment plans?” to alleviate financial stress during a challenging time.
Yes, we offer flexible payment plans to qualified clients.
AA Best Bail Bonds, A-EZ Outs Bail Bonds, and Southern Bail Bonds also advertise payment plans on their websites.
24/7 Availability
Arrests don’t follow a schedule. If you or a loved one gets in trouble, you need a bail bond company that can take action regardless of the hour.
All of the bail bond agencies we looked at are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1st Call Bail Bonds will pick up your telephone call or reply to your online form at any time day or night.
Resources for Inmates and Their Families
1st Call Bail Bonds
1st Call Bail Bonds offers a free Inmate Lookup tool to find an inmate, as well as county visitor information, commissary information, and inmate phone service information. They also have a page listing all of the county court addresses in the DFW metroplex including Dallas County, Collin County, Tarrant County, and Denton County.
Southern Bail Bonds
Southern Bail Bonds offers a plethora of resources for inmates and their families. They offer direct contact information for Lew Sterrett Justice Center, Dallas County Jail, and Dawson State Jail. They also offer an inmate lookup link, location information for Texas’ ICE detention centers, visiting tips for Dallas County Jail, and more!
AA Best Bail Bonds
With AA Best Bail Bonds, you can use their inmate lookup tool, free notary service, and free shuttle service for inmates to and from jail and the courthouse.
A-EZ Outs Bail Bonds
Aside from a $20 coupon that can be applied to Dallas bail bonds upon approval, A-EZ Outs Bail Bonds does not have any other resources available on its site for inmates and their families.
How to Choose a Bail Bond Company in Dallas
No single bail bond company is “best” for everyone. This analysis of the local bail bond agencies in Dallas can help you make the most informed decision during your time of need.
1st Call Bail Bonds in Dallas offers competitive bail bond services, bilingual support, and a notable 24/7 commitment to compassion. We can cover any bail amount and are ready to help you! Contact us today to learn more or start the bail bond process.