Bail bonds and bail, in general, are commonplace in American society when someone is arrested. However, our legal system isn’t something we should all take for granted.
After all, the United States and the Philippines are the only two nations that practice total cash bail. Other countries have different legal systems that may not even include bail.
So, this begs the question, why does bail exist, and how does the bail bond industry help make bail a possibility for most offenders that get arrested in the states.
Why Bail Exists
In America, our legal system is based on the theory that any defendant is innocent until proven guilty. Therefore, unless a crime is something as disturbing as murder, rape, or extremely aggravated assault, most people should have the opportunity to prove their innocence while they are living under the legal spotlight.
Bail exists to give defendants the chance to get out of custody and work diligently with their legal team to prove their innocence in a case. In countries where bail isn’t granted, a defendant will have to just accept whatever help they can find from behind bars to remove any guilt from their name.
Most Defendants Will Not Face Full Penalty of a Crime
In many cases, defendants may be found innocent or face lesser charges than what they were arrested for. In fact, without bail, some defendants could even face more time in jail than the actual punishment would be for a crime.
Bail allows innocent defendants the opportunity to get out of jail and avoid unnecessarily long stints behind a jail cell.
Keeping People in Jail is Expensive
Did you know that valuable tax dollars go towards providing for each person that resides in a jail or prison? It’s extremely costly for a jail to hold a person for a lengthy period of time. This is another major reason why bail exists.
Without bail, the wait before a trial can be as long as weeks or months. The average cost to hold a person in jail can be between $14,000 and $70,000 per year depending on the location of the jail and the length of the sentence.
With bail, jail costs are drastically reduced and the system is able to do its best to ensure that anyone who resides long-term in jail deserves to be there.
How Bail Bonds Counter Injustice
Unfortunately, the bail system can sometimes seem corrupt and result in bail amounts that no defendant is able to pay off on their own.
Local bail bond companies like 1st Call Bail Bonds in Dallas, Texas, effectively curb the cost of bail by allowing applicants to pay only 10% of the total bail amount for a bond and creating unique plans for those that are still unable to afford a higher bail amount.
Bail Exists to Get You Out of Jail Fast
If you or a loved one were recently arrested in Dallas, you have the right to bail and obtain an affordable bail bond. Make sure 1st Call Bail Bonds is your first step towards getting out of a jail cell fast and granting yourself the opportunity to state your case properly in the eyes of the law.
We are open 24/7 and are prepared to take on any bail amount. Contact us today to start the bail bond process.